The third installment in MDC’s Designer Network Series featured business coach Michelle Lynne of Designed for the Creative Mind.
Shedding Light
As the season progresses and daylight hours are fleeting, interior lighting becomes a primary focus. We asked six discerning interior design professionals to share some of their tricks-of-the-trade to get the best lighting in your home—no matter the space.
Bring It Home
We’re confident interior designers love the work they do for all their clients. But we were curious… Is there a particular design that they’ve created for a client that they’d like to incorporate into their own home? We posed this question to a quartet of accomplished designers.
“Building for Success in Any Economy” – Our Key Takeaways
From identifying winning personality traits to proper bookkeeping practices, MDC’s second installment in The Designer Network Series was a deep dive into the framework for a successful firm. Read on to discover a few of the most impactful statements from the lively panel discussion.
Kid Zone
Whether it’s sugar-and-spice-and-everything-nice, active and rugged, or something in-between, kids want a space that’s uniquely their own. We’ve enlisted a cadre of savvy designers to share the inside scoop in keeping their smallest clients happy.
The Extra Mile
Make the most of the quality products available through MDC showrooms! MDC showroom experts share their advice on smart ways to maximize functionality in every room of the house.